Dear Friends,
Merry Watters and I have completed the 2024 Advent calendar, and it is available for you to download at the bottom of this post. As you may know, each year we collaborate on this endeavor – Merry chooses the scripture readings and accompanies them with a suggested devotion for the day, and I design the calendar and compose a poem for it.
Since the liturgical season of Advent begins on December 1st this year, the format of the calendar is like traditional 24 day Advent calendars you find elsewhere: you will find Dec. 1 in the upper left corner, but then the days are arranged randomly around the page, inviting you to find your way through Advent.
This year’s poem can be sung as a hymn. It is written in Long Meter (LM); one possible tune to use is Deus Tuorum Militum, and you can download the hymn set to that tune on the Music page of this website. Of course, there are other LM tunes which one can choose. If setting the poem to other tunes, please include that the text is copyrighted.
As always, you are welcome to copy and distribute the calendar for your family, friends, or faith communities. If you wish to receive a daily email devotion from me based on the calendar, go to the subscribe page on this website.
Even in the midst of much change and uncertainty, the recurring themes of Advent come to us again: yearning, expectation, hope, and even the anticipation of joy as we prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Tom Mousin